Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Fresnes-Mazancourt to Nolleval - 285 Miles

On Monday night I had an enjoyable dinner at Maison Warlop - a very interesting house. We were entertained by thunder and lightening which made me think about the weather for tomorrow.

I woke up early knowing that breakfast was not until 8:30 . The skies were dark and cloudy and I was sure the rain was going to come. By the time I left just after 9:00 things did not look to bad.

Today was supposed to be 75 miles to Dan and Claires travelling west - away from Paris - with a 400 ft climb at 33 miles and few smaller climbs at 19 and 25.

Setting off was fine but there were quite a lot of wind turbines which a sign of things to come. It was easy start to the day through more deserted villages with no sign of life and no shops. Luckily I had stocked up on energy drink and more chocolate yesterday.

I had to keep an eye on the time as I had a conference call with clients at 10:15 UK time. Luckily I arrived at small town Moreuil and stopped at the cafe for a small blacjk coffee and prepared for the call. It was quite interesting do a conference call from a cafe in France.

I then set off on a small climb and through little hills for the next 16 miles or so. No sooner had i set off than i needed to stop again to get my rain jacket out. It rained a little for about 10 to 15 minutes but then stopped. The clouds did still threaten to rain but i stayed dry for the rest of the day. By about one o'clock it started to get sunny as I headed for the climb up to the Plateau that I had to cross for the next 25 miles.

I arrived hundgy at the town of Conty and was optimistic about food especially as it was lunch time. Every shop, restaurant and bar was closed for lunch. I managed to find a small sandwich bar selling very little and settled for a hot dog and coke. When the hot dog arrived is was orange on the outside and white in the middle and tatsed of very little.

All day i had seen very few people and hardly any cars having chosen an very rural route. It was the same on the plateau, just miles of open farm land and very straight roads. I should have made good time but the head wind must have knocked between 3 and 4 miles and hour off my speed.

Soon enough i was near the Pays de Bray - i had left the Somme and was now in Normandie. The last 15 or so miles was almost all down hill. The character of the houses changed to lots of beamed cottaged in the typically Normandie style and the villages were very pretty - usually sitting in the bottom of small valley around a church. Still no people!! where have they all gone.

My last stretch was through forests and then up a valley to Nolleval. As I was cycling Claire drove past me and we realised who each other was as she got along side me. I knew I was close now.

I arrived at Dan and Claires house (very nice) to be greeted by Rex and a glass of champagne followed by a lovely hot bath (I had been desperate for a bath since Saturdays). Claire cooked a lovely dinner. For those of you who have been following my diet this should be a great relief.

After a bit of wine, homemade lemoncello and chat I collapsed into bed.

Tomorrow is the last day 65 miles into Paris and not too many hills.

No SATNAV disasters today - every road really existed and the chain didn't come off today. Today was a really good day!

I was also really pleased to get a text from Lucy and she is recovering well. Fantastic news!


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